Tag Archives: UNC

The “T” Word

What’s Up, Everybody??

Remember in the last blog when I said I was going to start updating more, and then I didn’t? Yea – that was funny, huh? But in all seriousness, this last month has been a whirlwind & you should def cut me some slack!

May is CF Awareness Month and there’s no better time to make our family, friends, & followers aware of what’s going on in our CF world. Let’s take it from the top:

About a month ago Andrew went in for an unscheduled Clinic appointment because he was feeling a bit under the weather.  He had a tune-up back in the fall, which is his usual tune-up time.  However, his PFTs had dropped a bit and they decided he should do another round of IV Antibiotics from home. Over the next couple of weeks, he just couldn’t kick what was bringing him down so we went in to check on his progress.  While he hadn’t declined any, he also had not progressed.  So, into the hospital he went.  First time actually IN the hospital in about 2.5 years!  We actually felt like “old timers” with all the new changes they had made to in-patient care! No more chest PT, but they now offered legit Room Service! And by legit I mean, you order from a large book of menus and it’ll get there in about an hour.

Andrew hung out in the hospital for a little over two weeks while they tried to discover the right cocktail of antibiotics for whatever yuckies he was carrying around with him.  And they decided he should be on oxygen to help him with his breathing.  They also decided to switch his anti-anxiety meds and some of his breathing treatments.  He’s like a whole new guy with these different prescriptions! I barely know him anymore! JK – I do.

Let’s do a little remix and fast forward to this past Monday: he came home!  WOO! I was getting pretty lonely around here, and the doggies were starting to go a bit nutso without their daddy!  He is home on IVs and Oxygen, but he has so much more room for activities! And there are FAR more places to sit! All good things!  K – time to rewind… are you keeping up?

Rewind to week 1.5 in the hospital, when the dreaded “T” word came up. As some of you may know, a double-lung transplant is fairly common among CF Patients.  When they’ve gone as long as they can on the lungs they were born with, it’s time to switch them out for some fresher ones.  Since this is the first time Andrew’s numbers have been this low, and the first time he’s been on continuous oxygen, his Docs decided it was time to start thinking about the “T” word.

I won’t bore you with the details of the mania that ensued afterwards, but let’s just say it was a rough few days for us.  One thing Andrew and I always thought, but rarely said, was that a lung transplant was the LAST thing we’d ever want. A last resort.  A means to an end.  A step in the opposite direction. We both, secretly, were struggling with this thought. Our instructions were to research, gather information, learn, and decide who, where, when, and how.  But we couldn’t seem to get past the black cloud hovering above our heads. “Transplant” had always been a 4-letter word for us.

So as the week progressed we did our due diligence (<points for listening to Andrew talk about Real Estate) and talked to Doctors, Nurses, Social Workers, etc. to gather info. We got some reading materials, a TON of business cards, and a pretty good handle on the process.  But then we realized that we didn’t have to rely SOLELY on medical info – there are so many others out there who have been through this, had loved ones go through this, or work with people who have gone through this.  We reached out to some of our connections in the CF Community, talked to our close friends who have experience with Lung Transplants (one of which, we’ll call her Sally, is even on the board of the Lung Transplant Foundation and her mom is 14 years post transplant!) and realized… we’ve been thinking about the “T” word ALL wrong!

While we still have a lot to learn and a lot of work ahead of us – we realized that getting a new set of lungs doesn’t have to be daunting or all “Gloom and Doom”.  We learned that CFers, especially, have a new life after their transplants.  No more coughing fits, no more breathing treatments, no more shortness of breath.  He can go to the gym and not have to worry about coughing, or worry about people asking him if he has Swine Flu. Will it be all roses and buttercups? No! And we don’t expect it to be. But what it could be is a better quality of life for Andrew!

So by the end of last week, we decided to move forward with all of the pre-transplant testing, screening, and evaluating.  And by “we” I mean Andrew.  He’s totally taken the lead on this, for which I couldn’t be more proud!  He knows himself, he knows his capabilities, and he’s taking this whole process in stride.  Just turning our focus from dread & fear to positivity & optimism has completely rocked our worlds.  This is good.  Life is good.  And we are good.

Stay tuned for updates on Andrew as this all happens a step at a time!  And remember, it’s CF Awareness Month so get aware!  We’ll be walking the Raleigh Great Strides event this month, so if you feel like you need to show some support to the CF Community, you can donate to our team here!

May is CF Awareness Month

May is CF Awareness Month

Life isn’t all about making tough choices, it’s about learning to listen to your body and follow your heart! And also learning to listen to your Doctors, because they totally know what they’re talking about!  Especially ours – he’s amazing!



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Happy Thanksgiving!

As I’m sitting here this Thanksgiving morning, in the comfort of mine and Andrew’s bed – running his last IV Antiobiotic for the morning – I want to share with you all some things I am thankful for.  You’re not going to find anything in this post about jobs, money, or monetary things we have.  While I am thankful for those things in some respects, they are not the things that make me grateful in life.  I promise to keep this list short, sweet, and to the point.  I would love for you all to share some things you are thankful for in the comments!  Today is an excellent day for reflection, gratitude, appreciation, and love.  So share some…

One of the main things I am thankful for is: Andrew.  We have the most amazing relationship filled with openness and honesty.  We talk about EVERYTHING together and we experience EVERYTHING together!  We’re soul-mates, partners, lovers, and most importantly, we’re best friends.  Is every day a cake walk? HELL NO! We ride that struggle bus all over the place, but our struggles don’t seem to matter when we have each other.

I am thankful for our dogs! I realize that four of them is probably 3 too many, but they each have their own special personalities.  They provide endless entertainment to us are the most caring animals I’ve ever encountered, both within the pack, and outside of the pack.  These dogs are just completely remarkable!  < slightly bias…

I am thankful for my family.  My mom has fought another battle with cancer (albeit MUCH smaller than last time) and kicked it’s ass before it even really got started!  My dad is the strongest man alive.  And he cares about EVERYONE. Seriously.  That’s not an exaggeration.  Even people who piss him off – he still would do anything for them if they asked. (I did NOT inherit that trait.)

I am thankful for my “other” family.  Andrew’s family.  His mom and dad have FOUR boys.  (I realize that four of them is probably 3 too many…) Those boys love each other so much and they are all equally proud of one another.  They are all friends.  It’s really beautiful!  Andrew’s mom had the job of taking care of them while his dad was active in the Army.  He was over seas fighting for our country (and OWNING btw) and she was here fighting for the groceries.  But look how far they’ve come.  Andrew celebrated his 28th birthday last week and they were all there.  Except Justin because he was in college.  Excuses, excuses…

I am thankful for my friends.  We have a HUGE group of friends.  Friends who live all over the country.  Our friends are handpicked as the people we would/could share all the deep dark details of Andrew’s CF because, as friends, they need to know what they’re getting themselves into! They genuinely care when he goes for appointments, when he’s on IVs, when he’s doing fundraising, etc. I would name them all here, but they know.  (If you’re wondering if you’re one of those friends, then you probably are!)

Finally, I am thankful for all of the doctors, researchers, foundation members, surgeons, social workers, nutritionists, and everyone who is so enamored with Andrew’s health both at UNC-Chapel Hill and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.  They are making “Great Strides” (pun completely intended) toward finding a medication to improve symptoms of CF.  This kind of research can only get bigger and better!  We may not see a cure for CF in our lifetime, but it’s entirely possible that we see an increase in Andrew’s way of living, decrease in treatments, and betterment in health! I heard the other day that life expectancy for CF Patients has now reached 50 years old.  While, I don’t count numbers – especially in life expectancy because EVERYONE is different – I do count the improvement.  That’s progress people!

So, thank you – for keeping up with us through this blog.  I know I’ve been slacking lately, but I assure you – once the holidays slow down, I’ll get back into the swing of things! We appreciate your support and hope that you’ll spread the word.  There are so many people out there living with Cystic Fibrosis – and we want them to see that it’s not the end of the world! We want them to remember that they are LIVING with Cystic Fibrosis.  And it’s a good life, folks!

Until next time!



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Appointment Day

Andrew’s appointment went swimmingly today, and not just because of all the rain from Tropical Storm Andrea.

His breathing tests were great again- he’s still at his baseline! AND his weight is…. Wait for it… 134!!! That deserves a big HELL YEA!!! He also signed up for the new TOBI Podhaler which is one of his treatments but with a streamlined contraption to make it quicker! So lots of good things today, aside from the impending rainpocalypse!!

FYI- if you lovely readers ever have any questions or thoughts, don’t be comment shy! We love your feedback- I pinky promise!


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a perspective of another life


Fundraiser with more questions than answers.

Afflictions eclipsed by glory

Our journey to parenthood through loss, life and adoption

style sprite

A spirited documentation of my personal style.


Est. 2010