Happy Labor Day

Traditionally, Memorial Day marks the beginning of summer & Labor Day marks the end. It’s hard to wrap my head around the fact that it was just Memorial Day when Andrew’s health began to decline. And in one season- our lives have changed forever…

Here’s an update on the Rigid Bronchs:
Andrew will be receiving them weekly until his surgical team is satisfied that the build up in his airways is under control. Once the blood begins to flow systematically, the tissue will become more healthy and the airways will stop narrowing. Until that time, he will have to head to the operating room on Fridays for them to go in and manually clean them out. Please keep sending positive vibes for a speedy blood vessel and airway recovery!

In other news- he has officially graduated from Physical Therapy! His therapists feel confident that he can now exercise and train on his own! He’ll still be getting speech therapy to work with his aphasia, but he’s a free (ish) man in the gym! Woo!!

On an unrelated note: we’d like to ask that you all keep Andrew’s co-worker, and her family, in your thoughts and prayers. She was diagnosed with Leukemia earlier this year and has recently been moved to Hospice Care. She is a beautiful person with an incredible spirit and we are sending as much positivity and light to her as she sent to Andrew just a few months ago.


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a perspective of another life


Fundraiser with more questions than answers.

Afflictions eclipsed by glory

Our journey to parenthood through loss, life and adoption

style sprite

A spirited documentation of my personal style.


Est. 2010