Tag Archives: kindness

The kindness of strangers

Andrew’s first week home was full of physical therapy, speech therapy, pharmacy visits, routine training, pill popping, and video games. He’s doing so great at physical therapy and his speech is continuing to improve at such an excellent speed! We’re getting our routine down to a science and even though he’s eating anything that isn’t nailed or glued down, I haven’t had to make another trip to the grocery store… yet!

We had a feast fit for a King with our roomie Jacoby and our friends, Scottish & Hofer. We made our, almost, daily trip to Target. We watched some funny movies and did some excellent spring cleaning! This weekend kind of sucked for our morning walks since it’s been pissing rain. But this evening we decided to think outside the box and go after the sun had gone down a bit and the air was nice and breezy. On our walk we ran into a very nice older woman in our neighborhood with two adorable dogs. We stopped to pet & chat.

Her name is Brenda and her two cute pups were Lucy, a 9 year old shih-poo, and Savannah, a 3 year old King Charles Cavalier. Whenever we walk around, Andrew wears his awesome vogmask and usually has his rollator walker. People will either smile or look away & it doesn’t bother us- he’s protecting himself! But Brenda was different. We chatted about the pups and she told us that she was living there with her daughter and her 1 year old grandson and that they had just moved in around Easter. Of course, Savannah was enthralled with Andrew and gave him all sorts of loving! We told her about our pups and where our house was. But then Brenda cut right to the chase and asked Andrew if he was recovering from something. Andrew doesn’t shy away from questions about what he’s been through so he told her he had received a double lung transplant about a month ago.

Most people say “wow” or “that’s incredible”. Any words of encouragement are always so wonderful to hear. But that wasn’t good enough for our new friend. Her response: “I am so proud of you!” She asked what caused the transplant and he told her it was from Cystic Fibrosis. Then she asked if we would be alright with her adding us to her prayer list. What a wonderful spirit! We told her that of course she could, we would be grateful! We exchanged some more niceties but before we continued on the latter part of our half mile walk, she told us that if we need anything at all, food or company or anything, to leave a note on the garage and they’d be happy to help!

Sometimes it’s easy to get wrapped up in everything you have going on and forget that there’s a world outside of your own, but then someone you have never met before comes along and makes you realize that there are people everywhere who care and want to share their generosity. Humankind is such a powerful being!

“Be kind. For everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” -Plato


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a perspective of another life


Fundraiser with more questions than answers.

Afflictions eclipsed by glory

Our journey to parenthood through loss, life and adoption

style sprite

A spirited documentation of my personal style.


Est. 2010